Battle Jump Rope - Heavy skipping rope

Sale price39,00€ EUR

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Diameter: 30mm
  • Our aerobis Battle Ropes in a skipping rope format.
  • Ultimative challenge through extra heavy & 3 m long rope.
  • Available in different diameters from 30 to 40 mm.
  • From 1.7 kg to 2.2 kg for a holistic body training.
  • Challenging endurance & coordination training.
  • Top materials made of robust polypropylene that withstand even the toughest conditions: weatherproof & flexible.
  • Burn over a lot of calories in a short time!
  • Demanding endurance training: For grip strength & stability.
  • High training comfort through handy non-slip grips.
  • Maximum flexibility allows great freedom of movement.

The ultimate challenge

The Battle Jump Rope is not a jump rope like any other. It is definitely not suitable for the schoolyard and only very few will achieve a Double Unders with it. With diameters from 30 to 40 mm and weights from 1.7 to 2.2 kg, the Battle Jump Rope is not meant for speed records, but for extremely demanding endurance training. Are you ready for the challenge?

Familiar quality

The Battle Jump Ropes are basically short versions of the well known Battle Ropes. With the sophisticated weaving technique and the high flexibility at a high dead weight, the Battle Ropes are highly appreciated by coaches and athletes. Since our ropes are extremely resistant and cannot be affected by weather conditions such as rain or sunlight, they are perfectly suited as skipping ropes. With a length of 3 m, they are ideal for every trainer who is looking for a new challenge in skipping.

10 reasons that speak for the aerobis Battle Jump Rope

  1. New challenge: The Battle Jump Rope takes you to your limits. The 1.7 to 2.2 kg rope trains both endurance and strength very efficiently. How long will you last?
  2. Innovation: The Battle Jump Rope is a shortened version of the well-known Battle Ropes. With a length of 3 m, they are much more compact and allow you to do a simple and effective rope-jumping workout that is guaranteed to make you sweat.
  3. For in- & outdoors: Our exclusive Battle Jump Rope can be used anywhere – indoor or outdoors. Due to its high-quality materials, the rope is especially robust and weather resistant. Rain is now no longer an excuse!
  4. Variety: You can get the Battle Jump Rope in 3 different versions. The options vary in diameter. You have the choice between 30 mm or 40 mm. The thicker the diameter, the heavier the rope.
  5. Ultimate quality: With the Battle Jump Rope you get a training device in top quality. The rope features a clever weaving technique that allows for high flexibility despite its heavy weight. In addition, it promises a long durability.
  6. More than just a skipping rope: While conventional skipping ropes or steppers are mainly used to train your leg muscles, the Battle Jump Rope is a holistic endurance and cardio training device. The heavy rope makes skipping a real challenge.
  7. Abrasion-resistant & Easy to clean : Made of durable polypropylene in Europe. Easy cleaning & long life guaranteed.
  8. For everyone: Training with the Battle Jump Rope requires no previous knowledge and is easy to use. This makes the jump rope suitable for everyone - whether beginner or professional.
  9. Higher calorie consumption: Heavy skipping ropes like the aerobis Battle Jump Rope rather require strength, which quickly pushes up the energy and calorie consumption.
  10. Whole body training: Due to its high weight, the Battle Jump Rope is the ideal whole-body trainer, which trains your arms and legs in a targeted manner, while at the same time promoting the circulation of the entire body. Due to the constant movement, your entire musculoskeletal system is put to optimal use.
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